Flats to rent in Stafford
- £795 pcm (£183 pw)
1 bedroom apartment to rentEastgate Street, Stafford ST16
11- A modern one bedroom apartment located in the sought after Britannia House development
- Large open plan living area with contemporay wooden flooring
- Stylish white kitchen with integrated appliances
- Spacious double bedroom
Added > 14 days by Brick Management & Lettings - Farnborough - Added yesterday by Belvoir - Stafford
- £595 pcm (£137 pw)
2 bedroom apartment to rentFancy Walk, Stafford ST16
21- 2 bedroom 2nd floor flat
- Available immediately
Added < 7 days by Dourish & Day - Stafford - Reduced < 7 days by MD Properties - Stafford
- £625 pcm (£144 pw)
1 bedroom flat to rentMarston Road, Stafford, ST16 3BT
11- Kitchen-Diner
- Fridge Freezer
Added < 7 days by MD Properties - Stafford - £695 pcm (£160 pw)
1 bedroom flat to rentCrabbery Street , ST16 2BG
11- Video Door Entry
- Sun Deck Terrace
Added < 7 days by MD Properties - Stafford - £595 pcm (£137 pw)
1 bedroom apartment to rentGate House Mews, Stafford ST16
11- Modern apartment located in the town centre
- Available immediately
Added < 7 days by Dourish & Day - Stafford - £775 pcm (£179 pw)
1 bedroom flat to rentNorthwalls, Stafford, ST16
11- Kitchen-Diner
- Full Double Glazing
Reduced < 7 days by MD Properties - Stafford - Reduced < 7 days by MD Properties - Stafford
- Reduced < 7 days by MD Properties - Stafford
- Reduced < 7 days by MD Properties - Stafford
- Reduced < 7 days by MD Properties - Stafford
- Added < 7 days by MD Properties - Stafford
- £495 pcm (£114 pw)
Studio to rentMarston Road, Stafford, West Midlands, ST16 3BS
Studio-- Furnished
- En-suite
Added < 7 days by MD Properties - Stafford - £765 pcm (£177 pw)
1 bedroom apartment to rentSt Georges Mansions, Stafford ST16
11- Superbly Presented Second Floor Apartment
- Large Master Bedroom With Built In Wardrobes
Added < 7 days by Dourish & Day - Stafford - Reduced < 7 days by MD Properties - Stafford
- £675 pcm (£156 pw)
2 bedroom apartment to rentVictoria Court, Albert Terrace, Stafford, Staffordshire, ST16 3EW
21- 2 Bedrooms
- 1 Reception
Added < 14 days by Castle Estates - Staffordshire - Added < 14 days by MD Properties - Stafford
- £700 pcm (£162 pw)
2 bedroom apartment to rentStanley House, Fancy Walk, Stafford, ST16 3AY
21- 3rd Floor Apartment
- 2 Bedrooms
Added > 14 days by Castle Estates - Staffordshire - £795 pcm (£183 pw)
1 bedroom apartment to rentEastgate Street, Stafford ST16
11- A modern one bedroom apartment located in the sought after Britannia House development
- Large open plan living area with contemporay wooden flooring
Added > 14 days by Brick Management & Lettings - Farnborough - £875 pcm (£202 pw)
2 bedroom apartment to rentCrooked Bridge Court, St Georges Parkway, Stafford, Staffordshire, ST16 3WT
22- 2 Bedrooms
- 1 Reception
Added > 14 days by Castle Estates - Staffordshire - Added > 14 days by MD Properties - Stafford
- £775 pcm (£179 pw)
1 bedroom apartment to rentEastgate Street, Stafford ST16
11- Well presented one bedroom apartment in the sought after Britannia House development
- Large open plan living room/dining area with contemporary wooden flooring
Added > 14 days by Brick Management & Lettings - Farnborough - Featured£650 pcm (£150 pw)
1 bedroom flat to rentSalter Street, Stafford
1-- Deposit Alternative Scheme Available
- Due To Ungergo Some Light Renovation
- One Bedroom Flat
- Suitable For Single Occupants And Couples
Added > 14 days by butters john bee - Newcastle-under-Lyme - Featured£750 pcm (£173 pw)
2 bedroom flat to rentParkway House, St Georges Parkway, Stafford
2-- Energy Rating B
- Nearest station 0.6mi.
- Unfurnished
- Nearest school 0.3mi.
Added > 14 days by haart Estate Agents - Wolverhampton - Featured£750 pcm (£173 pw)
2 bedroom flat to rentSt Georges Parkway, Stafford
2-- Modern second floor apartment
- Two bedrooms
- En-suite
- Designated parking
Added > 14 days by butters john bee - Stafford