15 results
1 bedroom flats to rent in Eastfield, Peterborough
- £925 pcm (£213 pw)
1 bedroom apartment to rentTouthill Close, Peterborough PE1
11- Available now
- Offer: Take advantage of the 50% reduction discount on the first month's rent
Virtual tourNo deposit optionReduced < 7 days by Urban Homes Management - Peterborough - £1,000 pcm (£231 pw)
1 bedroom apartment to rentTouthill Close, Peterborough PE1
11- Offer: Take advantage of the 50% reduction discount on the first month's rent
- Superfast broadband of 50 Mbps upload/download inclusive of the rent, exclusive building optic fibre line
Virtual tourOnline viewingNo deposit optionReduced < 7 days by Urban Homes Management - Peterborough - £975 pcm (£225 pw)
1 bedroom apartment to rentMinster Precincts, Peterborough PE1
11- Superfast broadband of 200 Mbps upload/download inclusive of the rent, exclusive building optic fibre line
- Fantastic communal walled gardens surrounding The Vineyard house
Online viewingNo deposit optionAdded > 14 days by Urban Homes Management - Peterborough - £950 pcm (£219 pw)
1 bedroom flat to rentNewark Road, Peterborough, PE1
11- One room available £950.00pcm
- Single persons only
Added > 14 days by Capitol Lettors - Peterborough - Added > 14 days by Student Tenant Lettings - Canterbury
- £850 pcm (£196 pw)
1 bedroom flat to rentHuntly Grove, Peterborough PE1
11- Nearest station 0.8mi.
- Unfurnished
Reduced < 7 days by Firmin & Co - Lettings - £800 pcm (£185 pw)
1 bedroom apartment to rentCumberland House St. Marys Court, Peterborough PE1
11- City centre apartment
- Walk to stations
Added < 7 days by Optimum Lettings & Property Management - Peterborough