13 results
New build homes & developments for sale in Central Woking
- £415,000
2 bedroom flat for saleChurch Street East, Surrey GU21
22- Tenure: Leasehold
- Mortgage paid for a year*
New buildAdded < 7 days by Seymours - Woking Sales - Featured£250,000
1 bedroom flat for saleWoking, GU22, GU22
11- Tenure: Leasehold (978 years remaining)
- Leasehold Term 999 years from 01/10/2003
- One Bedroom
- Modern Apartment
New buildChain-freeAdded < 14 days by Chancellors - Woking Sales - Featured£275,000
1 bedroom flat for saleWoking, Surrey, GU22
11- Tenure: Leasehold (120 years remaining)
- Leasehold Term 125 years from 02/08/2019
- Modern Apartments
- One and Two bedrooms
New buildAdded > 14 days by Chancellors - Woking Sales - £385,000
2 bedroom flat for saleChurch Street East, Surrey GU21
21- Tenure: Leasehold (998 years remaining)
- Rates down, level up discover our fifth floor release!
New buildAdded > 14 days by Seymours - Woking Sales - £275,000
1 bedroom flat for saleChurch Street East, Surrey GU21
11- Tenure: Leasehold (998 years remaining)
- Rates down, level up discover our fifth floor release!
New buildAdded > 14 days by Seymours - Woking Sales - £325,000
1 bedroom flat for saleChurch Street East, Surrey GU21
11- Tenure: Leasehold (998 years remaining)
- Rates down, level up discover our fifth floor release!
New buildAdded > 14 days by Seymours - Woking Sales - FeaturedOffers in excess of£270,000
2 bedroom flat for saleWoking, Surrey, GU22
21- Tenure: Leasehold (4 years remaining)
- Leasehold Term 15 years from 17/01/2013
- Modern Apartments
- One and Two bedrooms
New buildAdded > 14 days by Chancellors - Woking Sales - Featured£250,000
1 bedroom flat for saleWoking, GU22, GU22
11- Tenure: Leasehold (4 years remaining)
- Leasehold Term 15 years from 17/01/2013
- One Bedroom
- Modern Apartment
New buildChain-freeAdded > 14 days by Chancellors - Woking Sales - Featured£240,000
1 bedroom flat for saleWoking, GU22, GU22
11- Tenure: Leasehold (120 years remaining)
- Leasehold Term 125 years from 02/08/2019
- One Bedroom
- Modern Apartment
New buildChain-freeAdded > 14 days by Chancellors - Woking Sales - Featured£250,000
1 bedroom flat for saleWoking, GU22, GU22
11- Tenure: Leasehold (120 years remaining)
- Leasehold Term 125 years from 02/08/2019
- One Bedroom
- Modern Apartment
New buildChain-freeAdded > 14 days by Chancellors - Woking Sales