1 result
4 bedroom houses for sale in West Drums
- Offers over£375,000
4 bedroom detached house for saleGreenden Farmhouse, Farnell, By Brechin, Angus, DD9
43- Tenure: Freehold
- Good rural position with views over attractive surrounding countryside
- Ideal as a fine family home, or as a holiday house or for letting
- Potential for an annexe
Virtual tourAdded > 14 days by Savills - Perth, Country Houses - FeaturedOffers over£375,000
4 bedroom detached house for saleGreenden Farmhouse, Farnell, By Brechin, Angus, DD9
43- Tenure: Freehold
- Good rural position with views over attractive surrounding countryside
- Ideal as a fine family home, or as a holiday house or for letting
- Potential for an annexe
Virtual tourAdded > 14 days by Savills - Perth, Country Houses