24 results
1 bedroom flats for sale in King's Furlong
- £174,950
1 bedroom apartment for saleWorting Road, Basingstoke, Hampshire, RG21
1-- Hallway
- Living/dining room
Chain-freeAdded < 14 days by Winkworth - Basingstoke - £150,000
1 bedroom apartment for saleWinterthur Way, Basingstoke, Hampshire
11- Tenure: Leasehold
- 656 sq ft floor area
Chain-freeReduced < 14 days by Romans - Basingstoke - Featured£220,000
1 bedroom flat for saleBasingstoke, Hampshire, RG21
11- Tenure: Leasehold (991 years remaining)
- Leasehold Term 999 years from 01/01/2017
- Underground Parking and Visitor Permit
- Double Bedroom With Fitted Wardrobes
Chain-freeAdded > 14 days by Chancellors - Basingstoke Sales - £190,000
1 bedroom apartment for saleLilly Court, 21 Fullbrook Drive, Basingstoke, Hampshire, RG21
11- 495 sq ft floor area
- Nearest station 0.4mi.
Chain-freeAdded > 14 days by Winkworth - Basingstoke - £140,000
1 bedroom apartment for saleWorting Road, Basingstoke, Hampshire
11- Tenure: Leasehold (106 years remaining)
- One bedroom
Chain-freeAdded > 14 days by Romans - Basingstoke - £140,000
1 bedroom retirement property for saleWestdeane Court, Basingstoke RG21
11- Tenure: Leasehold (80 years remaining)
- Entrance Hall
RetirementChain-freeAdded > 14 days by Barons Estate Agents - Basingstoke