Natasha Afxentiou: Hello and welcome to OnTheMove, a podcast from OnTheMarket. I’m your host, Natasha Afxentiou, and in this series, we’ll guide you through everything you need to know about the home moving process from start to finish. I’ll be speaking with our guest experts who will share their tips and tricks to ensure you’re equipped to make informed choices, breaking down industry jargon and clearing the path to your dream home.
Today, we’re focusing on new build homes and to help me debunk old myths and misconceptions associated with new builds and share all you need to know about buying one, I’m joined by two special guests. Ed McCoy, Group Sales Director at one of the UK’s largest house builders, Persimmon Homes, and our very own John Doyle, Head of New Homes at OnTheMarket.
Thank you both for joining me today. How are you both doing?
Ed McCoy: Good, thank you.
John Doyle: Very well, thanks.
Natasha Afxentiou: Amazing. So, before we get started with today’s topic, why don’t we give our listeners some background on you both? Why don’t we start with you, Ed?
Ed McCoy: Yeah, so I’m Ed McCoy. I’m Group Sales Director at Persimmon. I have worked for Persimmon for about 12 months. Previously to that, I worked at Barrett Developments, which is another one of the major house builders in the UK. So, hopefully, I should be able to talk about my experience within the new build industry.
Natasha Afxentiou: Fabulous. What about you, John?
John Doyle: So I’ve worked in the new homes sector, I guess for about 10 years, but more recently since I joined OnTheMarket, I’ve been Head of New Homes for the last four years. And we’re very lucky back when we first launched to be working with the likes of Persimmon very early on. And, looking forward to hear what Ed’s got to say about the benefits of buying new build homes.
Natasha Afxentiou: Great. So I’m really happy to have you both here today. So to get started with the conversation, let’s talk about the pros and cons of buying a new build and why a buyer should consider buying a new build rather than a resale home.
So to start off with, when you think about the main pros of buying a new build, what would you say comes to mind?
Ed McCoy: So for me, buying a new build is like buying a blank canvas. Absolutely allows you to personalise your home. Clearly, every new home and different developers will have a kind of different level of standard specification, but every developer also offers a choice of, we call them finishing touches, which is a range of products which we install into your home prior to completion, which allows you to really personalise your home. So you kind of get your dream home from the outset. So unlike buying an old Victorian property, which has probably got an old boiler in and probably got a kitchen from the 1970s or 80s, you’re effectively getting a brand new property, which you personalise, which is a significant benefit.
Natasha Afxentiou: How about you, John?
John Doyle: Well, I think there’s a lot of real current benefits as well. You know, the well documented cost of living crisis, lots of focus on energy efficiency, and obviously that’s one of the real benefits that I see our customers talking to the general public about. The fact that if you buy a new build, you’ll be able to save money, and obviously then it’s also the fact that it is energy efficient. We’ve added on, OnTheMarket, in terms of our website, is the new Greener Choice feature, which allows people to see if properties have got those sustainability features on the website and on those particular plots. And naturally, if you’re a new build developer, most of your developments will have lots of different sustainability benefits over, as Ed was pointing out there, you know, some second hand homes. So I think they’re very relevant in the current climate.
Natasha Afxentiou: Definitely. I think a point there, which you mentioned Ed, in particular, about obviously being able to put your own stamp on a home and essentially having a blank canvas to work with, a really important benefit that might appeal to a few buyers is that actually there’s a lot less renovation and maintenance that might need to be done. So as you mentioned with the resale, there could maybe be a boiler that’s on its way out, there could be a kitchen that’s quite outdated, so in that sense, you might be saving on some costs in terms of having something that’s there and totally fresh and brand new. And like you said there as well, John, super important to really think about the environmental and economic impacts of being energy efficient. So if you’re looking for something that may perhaps be a greener choice, then that’s for sure worthwhile considering when looking at potentially buying a new build over a resale home.
Ed McCoy: What I would say about that also is when a purchaser is looking at buying a new home, it’s their biggest financial commitment that they have and therefore, you want peace of mind. And what you get with a new build, what you don’t get with the second hand property, is the fact that you do get structural warranties and you get fixture and fittings warranties also. So, that means that if something does go wrong in the property within the first two years, you know, every developer will come out and rectify that issue. I mean, if you have any structural issues up to 10 years, again, you’re covered by the NHBC or relevant warranty provider. So again, just gives you complete peace of mind for the most significant purchase of your life.
Natasha Afxentiou: Definitely. And another thing to potentially touch on, I know for some buyers, obviously timelines and timeframes can be quite important. So when looking at, say, a chain that might be involved, particularly with a resale home, if you’re looking at buying a new build, of course, it may be slightly different if you’ve got a property yourself to sell, but if you haven’t, then would you say that potentially the easier chain perhaps is something to also keep in mind in terms of being able to potentially get in a bit quicker than if there was more parties involved with the resale?
Ed McCoy: Yeah, absolutely. So dependent upon your personal circumstances, we will want to complete the property and as every developer will, when we’ve effectively, it is a build complete, as in we finished everything within the property and we’re ready to hand it over, one of the things that we can absolutely help with if you have a property to sell is we can either market your property on the open market and pay the fees, or what a lot of our purchasers and at the moment we’ve got about 25 percent of purchasers that are using our part exchange scheme and that is effectively we become the purchaser of your existing property, which allows you to complete on our property as and when it becomes build complete. So at the moment we’re doing incentives, we pay 105 percent market value. So that means that you’ve got again, complete confidence that this is independently verified by estate agents and valuers. So we’ll offer you a really competitive rate for your property and know that you’ve got a guaranteed buyer, and then we’ll sell it in the open market once you’ve completed on our property.
Natasha Afxentiou: That’s really helpful to know. In terms of key things that buyers may need to know about buying a new build on top of those benefits, are there any differences in particular when compared to a resale home that they should maybe keep in mind in terms of the process or in terms of the property itself?
Ed McCoy: No, I mean the process remains the same. They’ll need to appoint a conveyancer and effectively go through the conveyancing process.
John Doyle: One of the things when I think about working with house builders and potentially the difference between, you know, if I’m a buyer going into the second hand market or the new build industry, if I want to buy off of a vendor, they’re limited in terms of what they can offer me to help me buy that property. The estate agent can maybe try and negotiate and get you to bring down the price slightly, whereas if you were to go to Persimmon, for example, they’re incredibly motivated to sell that property to you. And so they’re much more likely to look at offers, incentives that Ed was just mentioning there. And I think in the current climate where maybe the housing market isn’t as buoyant as it was during the pandemic, then I think housebuilders are having to think a little bit more creatively. That example that Ed was giving there about past exchange offers and incentives, I think you’ve probably got more options. In the current climate, if you go to a house builder, they’ll be actively trying to help you to buy that property. Whereas if you’re going into the second hand market, you’re limited really in terms of the mortgage deals that you’ve got.
Ed McCoy: I’d echo that, John, and there’s certainly mortgage products out there which are specific to the new homes or new build industry. So, Deposit Unlock is one of them, which we effectively pay an insurance indemnity to allow a purchaser to secure a 95% Mortgage. Well, that’s not available on second hand homes, so if you do have that 5 percent deposit, then we will find a way to help you buy the dream home. And that could be Deposit on Lock, it could be a contribution to Stamp Duty, it could be helping you personalise your home with some free finishing touches. But, you know, that’s the sort of additional assistance that you get in the new homes industry, which you wouldn’t get in the second hand market.
Natasha Afxentiou: That’s an important point to raise, just knowing that that support is there and what’s available, is definitely something that would be really helpful to any buyer, particularly even first time buyers for a first time going through that sort of process, being able to have your hand held a little bit more and also having those additional benefits on top is something really useful.
John Doyle: Ed, are you seeing people downsizing more as well, maybe from a second hand home to a new build? Is that something you’re seeing more of in the current climate?
Ed McCoy: Definitely a segment of the market that we’re actively targeting, John. So there are people that have perhaps slightly older generation that live in a larger property where their kids have moved away, they’ve got significant equity through the house price growth that we’ve seen over the last many, many years and are looking to release some of that equity and therefore they’ll downsize from their detached five bed home down to a four bed or a three bed because ultimately they want to release some of that equity for their retirement. So that’s a key segment for us to target. Absolutely.
John Doyle: I guess as well, the additional benefit as well as releasing equity is then the property is therefore more energy efficient and the overall cost of having to upkeep that property compared to, as you say, that big five bed detached, you’d probably need a new roof, new windows, all that. They can just move into a second hand and as you said earlier, it’s already ready to move into.
Ed McCoy: Yeah, I mean, we’re seeing significant advancements in what we are required to deliver in terms of the energy efficiency of our new homes. The latest regulations, which have literally just come into force, which are called Part L Building Regulations, they not only drive savings from an energy perspective, but also reduce the carbon footprint of our homes by 31%. So for us, that’s about putting in increased insulation into the floors, increased insulation into the roofs, putting solar panels on the roofs. Electric charging points, that sort of thing. But all these things will drive a saving for the purchaser in terms of the lifetime of the property. But also as importantly, reduce carbon emissions and say by 31%.
Natasha Afxentiou: Definitely, that’s really important. So in terms of actual things that are put in place within new build homes, what are the features that are put in place that make these homes more energy efficient?
Ed McCoy: The things that we put into the homes which make them more energy efficient are things like increased insulation in the floors. We put the most advanced energy efficient boilers into our properties. We make sure that the insulation in the walls is more robust, and it will differ between whether you’re building a timber framed home or whether it’s traditional style built, but ultimately there’s greater insulation in the walls. We put greater insulation in the roofs. We put in a wastewater recovery system. So a wastewater heat recovery system ensures that the wastewater from the shower heats the incoming cold water as it goes up the pipe, so that the boiler doesn’t have to work as hard. So we are being driven by the government building regulations, but ultimately we’re making our homes more energy efficient. This is one of the many steps and advancements that we’ve seen over the last few years, but effectively we are working towards the Future Home Standard, which will be delivered in 2025, where we are expected to reduce our carbon emissions of each of the homes that we produce by 75 to 80%. There’s small advancements and steps changes in regulations as we move towards 2025, but ultimately it’s about building a more energy efficient home with lower CO2 emissions.
Natasha Afxentiou: Definitely, there’s appetite there from movers for more efficient homes and all of the features that you mentioned earlier, Ed, are obviously putting things in the right direction and they all make a big difference. There were actually some insights that were released by the House Builders Federation and it was part of their HBF energy report, Watt a Save, which came out in February of this year and a few interesting things came up within that report, which I thought would be good to share. So it follows on quite nicely from what we’ve discussed so far. So they found that due to decreased energy use, average new build homebuyers will see a significant saving on their household bills. So the average new build property cost £1, 422. 99 to run in the year that ended in December 22, which is just 40 percent of the cost of an average older property and they found that that was £3, 515. 48. So that means that buyers of new build properties in the year to December 22 were collectively saving over £500 million a year on their running costs. And on top of that, new build properties were found to be significantly more environmentally friendly than older equivalent properties, and they emitted just 1.4 tonnes of carbon a year, compared to the 3.6 tons that existing properties were emitting. So, definitely there’s evidence there that new build homes are moving in a positive direction in terms of being more energy efficient and then also having a real cost saving, which is especially important now for buyers and for homeowners going forward. Does that surprise any of you guys in terms of the actual sheer amount? Are those in line with the things that you might have been seeing on your sides?
Ed McCoy: Yeah, absolutely. I mean, we do our own research on the back of the HBF research and we see similar savings. So it’s just about how much a purchaser can ultimately save by buying a new build and we actively promote that because it’s a key USP of this part of the industry.
John Doyle: Not a surprise to me either, because having conversations with Ed and all of the other house builders are very, very focused around it. So we see it in a lot of the additional advertising they do and through OnTheMarket to promote those USPs to potential buyers.
Natasha Afxentiou: Great stuff. So I know that earlier on in the conversation, we did touch on a few ways that we can give more support in terms of new builds for buyers when moving. But are there any schemes in particular that are available in the market to support with purchasing a new build? And is there any criteria that buyers should be aware of in terms of the things that they need to meet in order to use those schemes to help them get on the ladder with a new build property?
Ed McCoy: Traditionally, the government has supported the new homes industry with Help to Buy, that recently finished, which was effectively a shared equity scheme where the government helped you onto the property landed by taking an equity share of the property. As we touched on earlier, there’s Deposit Unlock and Own New, which are specific mortgage products specifically for the new build market, which help you buy with a 5 percent deposit. And then there’s all the other builder schemes that we offer dependent upon the personal circumstances of the purchaser. It’s very much our job and it’s my sales advisor’s role, when a purchaser comes to site and visits one of our customer hubs that we really understand their personal circumstances and we really understand how we can help them get on the property ladder and therefore we tailor an incentive based upon the requirements and the personal circumstances of the individual.
Natasha Afxentiou: That’s really useful information.
Ed McCoy: I think it’s also really important that you use a mortgage advisor that has specialist knowledge of the new build market. If you just went to your local high street bank, they’re just going to sell you their portfolio of products. There are specialist new build mortgage advisors who will effectively search the whole of the market for you. They have an in depth knowledge of all of the schemes that are available to help you purchase. And quite often they can be really innovative in the way that they help you buy a property. So for example, there is a lender called Generation Home who, if you don’t have the full deposit, they will let your parents contribute to the deposit to facilitate the purchase and that contribution from your parents can either be paid back as a straight return on the loan, or they can take an equity share in your property. So there’s lots of innovative lenders out there at the moment. that are trying to effectively solve the two big problems for people getting on the property ladder. The first problem is people don’t have enough deposit, but then second thing is if they have the deposit, they just can’t afford to buy based upon the affordability calculators of all of the lenders. So there are lots of innovative lenders out there and it’s just about getting specialist advice to help you get on the property ladder.
Natasha Afxentiou: Where sometimes deposits and affordability can be a concern, just knowing that there are things out there to support with that is really useful to know. Perhaps a difference when looking at a new build home compared to, say a resale, is the opportunity to maybe go and have a look at a show home. So are there any things that you would say are important to have in mind when viewing a show home or anything to expect when going to have a look at one?
Ed McCoy: I think the key thing for me is the property that you are going to buy off plan may not be the same layout as the show home. So clearly, we will generally have one or two show homes on each of our developments and we will predominantly pick the house type that we build the most of. However, you might not be buying that specific layout, so it’s about making sure you really understand the specification and you look at the specification of the show home, what are the upgrades and what comes as the standard spec, because whilst the layout might be slightly different, the specification that you will get when you purchase your home should be consistent with either the standard specification in the show home or whatever’s in the show home should be marked up to say, well, these are all optional extras that you can buy.
So it’s just making sure that you go eyes wide open. And clearly we’re trying to sell the dream. So we will put lots of finishing touches into our show homes. Just making sure that you understand what you get as standard and what you need to upgrade. So just like when you’re buying a car, you know, you get your standard spec and then you can buy packages, upgrade packages, make sure you just understand what you’re getting a standard and what you’re getting is an upgrade.
Natasha Afxentiou: Yeah, that’s a good analogy.
John Doyle: One other point, I think there’s maybe a perception from the general public when they’re going to buy a new build, that property is ready for them to move into. In terms of your expectation, don’t think that I’ve seen this property OnTheMarket and I’m going to be able to go down there and put a deposit down and in six weeks time I’ll be in. Now that might be the case in some instances, but obviously Persimmon don’t want thousands of built properties, they’re looking to try and sell them in the future. So that’s another piece of advice for anyone listening.
Ed McCoy: We need to take absolute responsibility for making sure that the purchaser fully understands when we think we’re going to complete the property. So we will give them an estimation at the point that they reserve, but it is an estimation. Building a home is not like manufacturing a car, there are many things that can positively and adversely affect the build program, such as weather. If it suddenly snows and you’re trying to put up the brickwork around the house, then you’ve probably got to stop. It’s not good to lay bricks under a certain temperature. Things do go wrong, but the responsibility is absolutely with the developer to make sure the customer is fully engaged and kept up to date with the latest build program. And we don’t get it right every time, but we absolutely try to manage the purchaser’s expectations.
Reserving a new home is quite a complicated process because you’re buying something off plan. So there are processes in place to ensure that the customer fully understands what they’re purchasing. So we go through what we call a reservation checklist, which is effectively showing the purchaser all of the elements and goes through all of the management charges, any service fees. It goes through all the plans and the layouts to make sure that they’re fully conversant with what they’re buying. But, if you do have any questions or you’re unsure about anything, then I’d urge purchasers just ask as many questions in that meeting as possible. Or subsequent to that meeting, you’re not tied in effectively until you exchange, so if you’ve got any questions or any concerns coming out of that meeting, or this need clarity on something, go back to the sales advisor and make sure you’re absolutely clear about what you’re purchasing.
John Doyle: The other thing, again, if you’re in the process of buying a new build or looking at it, you also want to look at potentially developer’s HBF five star rating as well, because that can give you a bit more confidence of who you’re dealing with. The fact that this is a five star house builder or a four star house builder, that should give you more peace of mind as well, because presumably if you are a five star house builder, which Persimmon are, that means that the customer service is good, the things that Ed’s talking about there, that means that they’re obviously doing those things well, which means people referring themselves to friends and to colleagues.
Natasha Afxentiou: Yeah, definitely. It doesn’t need to be a daunting process, especially if you’ve not considered or bought a new build before. If you’ve got that sales advisor there, like you said, Ed, they can of course guide you through the process. And any question that you do have is one worth asking because they’ll be able to put any queries that you may have to rest. So it’s definitely worth noting that you’ve obviously got that support network around you. It’s not something you have to go into totally unaware.
You are listening to OnTheMove, the home moving Podcast by OnTheMarket with me, your host, Natasha Afxentiou, and my guests this month, Ed McCoy and John Doyle. So far we’ve discussed the benefits of buying a new build property and the schemes available to support with purchasing one. Moving on will be debunking misconceptions associated with new homes.
Before we wrap up today’s episode, for today’s Q&A section, we asked you, our listeners, to send us the things that you’ve heard about New Build Homes. So what we’re going to do now is debunk any that are myths and misconceptions if it’s okay with you both, Ed and John, we’ll go straight into it and I’ll put the responses that we had to you one at a time.
So to get started, something that came in was that new builds have small gardens.
Ed McCoy: I think it really depends on the property that you purchase. Clearly, if you’re buying a small two bed property, six, seven, eight hundred square feet, you wouldn’t expect to have a significant garden. But, you know, some of the properties that we build, which are two thousand square feet, absolutely have quite generous gardens. Are they as generous as a traditional Victorian property with a hundred and thirty foot garden at the back? Probably not, but it’s about creating really great spaces for people to live in and creating an outdoor environment and outdoor space for our purchasers is absolutely key.
Natasha Afxentiou: So the second thing that came in was that some new build homes lack character.
Ed McCoy: You have to question what you mean by character. If you mean, are you able to personalise your home and create the most desirable environment for yourself, then new builds absolutely do that, as we’ve spoken about previously with being able to personalise. In terms of lacking character from the outside, we have a standard range of house types, and we have a number of different elevational treatments. Quite often the elevational treatments, what I mean by that is, what does the front of the house look like? The elevational treatment will often be defined by the local planning authority in terms of their design standards, so quite often we are told what we can and cannot do, but I think some of our house types are really, really attractive from the outside.
I guess it’s personal choice, personal opinion.
Natasha Afxentiou: So the next assumption that came in was that new build properties have thin walls and aren’t as robust as resale homes.
Ed McCoy: So as we spoke about earlier, we are putting more insulation into our walls than we ever have done previously. We build all of our homes to the latest building regulations and therefore you can feel absolutely confident that you’re getting a quality home when you purchase a new build.
Natasha Afxentiou: Great stuff. So the next assumption that came in was that the bigger the developer, the less care is taken.
Ed McCoy: It’s really important when you are considering buying a new build property that when you’ve found the location and the house that you want to buy, you do your due diligence and research on the developer. As John mentioned earlier, one of the things you can look at is the HBF rating. That is effectively, we are tasked with surveying all of our customers to ensure that they are happy and to achieve a five star rating, you need to get above 90 percent of customers to say that they would recommend you. So it’s really important whether they’re a bigger or a small developer, you look at the HBF rating to understand whether you’re buying from a quality developer.
Natasha Afxentiou: That’s important to know. Yeah. In terms of new build properties, especially flats, some people have assumed that they allow noise to travel easily between neighbouring properties.
Ed McCoy: I guess it goes back to my previous comment about the insulation we build to the latest building regulations. We do noise testing within apartments to make sure that the noise doesn’t travel and we have to conform to the relevant building standards. So I’d challenge that myth.
John Doyle: Everything you said there, Ed, I agree with and it’s down to choice as well, isn’t it? Some people might not want to buy a new build. Some people might want to have a hundred foot garden and they might want to have a property that they can add an extension to or a loft conversion. Some other people won’t want to do that. And I guess Ed’s probably not looking to attract people that are looking for a hundred foot garden. There are enough people out there. We know that there’s lack of housing and people need good quality housing. So yeah, I think it’s down to personal choice really. And there’s many, many benefits while you would buy a new, but obviously there might be other factors which will make you say, actually, that’s not for me and I think that’s fine as well.
Natasha Afxentiou: So the next assumption that came in is that new builds are small in terms of square footage for their price.
Ed McCoy: Are they small in terms of square footage for the price? I don’t think so. It’s really dependent upon what is the requirement of the person who’s purchasing. So we have a standard range of house types, which range from two beds from 600, 650 square feet, right up to five beds over 2000 square feet. So it’s about understanding what you desire from a property, what are your must haves and then making sure that you pick the house type that delivers against those key USPs that you need.
John Doyle: One thing to add to that as well is People talk about the new build premium and when you buy a new build, you’re getting everything included. If you buy a second hand home, you’re going to have to go there, potentially rip out the kitchen, rip out the bathroom, as Ed said, put a new boiler in. All of those costs certainly mount up. So if you look at a new build and say, well, that’s quite expensive, but if you move in there, that’s it, other than probably buying furniture and putting your own stamp on it, actually in terms of the foundations of the property are already in place. So I think they’re the things you need to balance as well.
Natasha Afxentiou: The next assumption that came in is that new builds can be out of town without transport links or shops nearby.
Ed McCoy: So, to answer that one, there’s a number of things that I would say. Firstly, when we assess a piece of land prior to acquiring the piece of land to build on, one of the key things that we will look at is accessibility into the local town, what are the transport links, to make sure that we know that we will have significant demand for our properties when we build there so we will ensure that there is good transport links and we build in areas that people want to live in otherwise, we’re going to be building houses that are effectively in a field with nobody buying them. So, that’s a key criteria for us. The other thing I would say is as part of the Section 106 obligation, which is the obligation from the council, we are often required to put things like additional bus stops in or turning circles for buses for new bus routes. So, one of the key things that the council will be very keen on is ensuring that we’re creating an environment and a community where people want to live. And one of those things that they’ll absolutely need is good transport links and shops. So absolutely, we make sure that that is a kind of a prerequisite before we buy any land.
Natasha Afxentiou: Finally, the last assumption that we had come in was that developers can be slow to fix snags, and it makes people feel that they’ve moved on to the next job once completed.
Ed McCoy: So as part of the sales process, when we hand over a property, we will identify any outstanding snags. Sometimes we are slow in resolving snags, but there are things outside of our control, such as we’re waiting for a new tap to come in or a replacement door from a kitchen supplier. But clearly we work closely with our supply chain to ensure that they have the relevant stock to supply us to resolve snags as quickly as possible. The key thing is we do have a process to close out the snags and make sure the customer is happy and we ask people to recommend us after eight weeks. They’re not going to recommend us if we don’t close out the snags, it’s as simple as that.
John Doyle: How long is the period that someone that buys a Persimmon home can still reach out to you and you would come back in and deal with any repairs?
Ed McCoy: So it’s a two year fixtures and fittings warranty. So in the first two years, if anything goes wrong, we have a customer care dedicated team who will be back on site to resolve your issues. Then you get a 10 year structural warranty as well.
John Doyle: If you think about it, if you’re balancing out the pros and cons of which you’ll see the pros and cons of every purchase, but if you were to buy a secondhand home, once you bought that property, you’re not going to ring up the vendor and say, can you pop around and fix the tap? Whereas I guess you are in a fortunate position where you’ll be able to, if something does go wrong, please contact that house builder and they’ll come in and repair it for you.
Natasha Afxentiou: Great. I think that brings us nicely to the end of the Q& A segment and also to the end of today’s episode. So thank you both, Ed and John, for joining me today. It’s been great to have you both on.
All that’s left for me to say to our listeners is thank you for joining us for this episode of OnTheMove. You can find all future episodes on all the major podcast platforms, and we’ll be sharing links to episodes as they’re released on our social media channels too.
On the next podcast, we’ll be exploring where to start with your property search and what you wish you knew before you moved. For access to our show notes and additional information on the topics that we’ve covered today, you can visit our blog at Thanks again for listening and remember if you’re looking to get on the move, get OnTheMarket.