Property Blog and News / Moving to a new area? Top tips to help ease moving house

Moving to a new area? Top tips to help ease moving house

10 January 2020


Property Expert

Are you thinking about moving across the country to start again in a new area? Or even to start a new job?

The National Association of Estate Agents (NAEA) provides five top tips to ensure moving house runs smoothly.

Visit the new area
It can take six to eight months to feel at home in a new town, so make sure you are happy with the location of your new house. It’s worth visiting the new area a few times to get your bearings – spend some time driving around surrounding towns and villages. This will also help with finding transport links.

Settle the children
If children are moving with you, make sure you take them on a tour of the new area to point out schools, local parks and opportunities for social activities. The best time of year to move with children is usually before the start of a new school year, or at the beginning of a new term, because this will give them more time to settle in.

Talk to people
Speak to the existing owner or landlord of the house you intend to buy or rent, as well as the neighbours. Ask them about the best things to do in the area and for information on local events. Recommendations for local services such as doctors and dentists are also important, as well as takeaway menus for that first night after a long moving day!

Prepare your pets
If you have any pets, it would be worth taking a trip to your new area in advance so they can also get a sense of their new home. You could even arrange for them to be looked after while you move, as this will minimise stress for you and them on moving day.

Service your car
If you’re driving to your new location, it’s worth servicing your car beforehand to minimise any chance of a breakdown during your journey. Also stop regularly for breaks and speak to your removal company because they are governed by strict rules around the length of time drivers can travel for. And a full removal lorry can’t go very fast! You will want your belongings to arrive the same day that you do.

Long distance moving can be stressful enough but with careful planning and organisation, you can ensure moving day runs smoothly!