With increasing competition amongst purchasers over a small number of available properties, our Only With Us feature can help build early interest in your listings.
The current ‘new normal’ housing market is made up of motivated individuals looking for new homes who are keen to move quickly and eager to rival other likeminded purchasers for the small number of properties available.
Only With Us actively encourages serious property seekers at the very beginning of their search who are looking for a competitive edge over their peers. By listing homes at OnTheMarket for a period of time before they appear on Rightmove or Zoopla, or remain totally exclusive, the feature helps build an all important sense of urgency.
What’s the benefit of Only With Us?
Properties that are listed as Only With Us generate on average twice* as many email leads in the first 24 hours compared with other standard new listings.
What are the features of Only With Us?
Property listings that are Only With Us get a prominent position on our search results pages meaning property seekers will also see them first when they receive alert emails to their inbox.
We know that time is of the essence, so we have added a new countdown clock feature to distinguish these properties from other listings. This will show consumers how much time remains until Only With Us homes will be made available to other portals. You can see an example of how they’ll appear below.
What about listing exclusively with OnTheMarket?
Properties that are listed exclusively with OnTheMarket are still labelled as Only With Us, so consumers know that they can’t find this property on any other portal. These property listings will not feature the countdown clock.
How can you list your properties as Only With Us?
Whether you upload your properties manually via OnTheMarket Expert or use a feed provider, you can call us on 0808 1202 877 (option 3) or send an email to support@onthemaret.com and our support team will be more than happy to help!
Sarah Sykes, Director at Robin Jessop says: “We’ve been with On The Market from the start, and one of the best features has been the use of the “Only With Us” tool. We get direct feedback regularly from our buyers that this feature works – it is so transparent and easy to navigate . The “only with us” tool promotes the exclusivity of the properties we sell. We cannot recommend it highly enough.”
*Uplift based on data for the period of January 2021 – December 2021