Turpie & Co - Bathgate

5-9 Edinburgh Road Bathgate EH48 1BA
The best way to buy, sell, rent or let property in Central Scotland.Turpie & Co is an exciting and forward thinking Estate agency and property management company committed to creativity, professionalism and to provide innovative ideas to our clients.
Ultimately, selling homes is all about customer care and we are determined that everyone who buys or sells, lets or rents a home with us has the best possible experience.

Local knowledge

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stations within 4 miles

Armadale (W Lothian)
Livingston North
Call rate information

Calls to 0843 numbers will be charged at 4p/min from BT landlines. Calls from other networks may vary, and calls from mobiles and outside the UK will be higher.

Calls to local numbers beginning with 01, 02 and 03 numbers will incur standard geographic charges from landlines and mobiles.